DZNG featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Centrestage 2021

The annual event Centrestage returned physically to the HK Convention and Exhibition Centre, housing over 220 contemporary fashion brands within a 9000m2 space. To uplift the overall ambiance of the show, a dreamlike futuristic multi-purpose welcome space of 600m2 was created. The space was used for opening receptions, and fashion presentations as well as an introductory experience area in default mode. Under the theme of Chapter Infinity, meaning a new era of infinite possibilities, a space was created to give a glimpse of the latest fashion innovation both digitally and physically.

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Lays Signature

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This is a community club, which is located halfway up a mountain. The scene of wind blowing leaves in autumn is the most beautiful here. The designer was inspired by the wind blowing through the leaves. Fully respecting Changsha's native landforms and what the city has to offer culturally, the design seeks to integrate local massifs and structures, which are a source of inspiration for this project, into indoor spaces. Beyond that, the rolling ceiling of the former building is retained as a means to mirror what a wavy mountain is like.

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Visions Of Future

Visions of Future is an interactive motion-activated manifest. Borrowed from the aesthetics of sci-fi, and as far from the conventional booth design as possible. Neon lights and a towering fragmented screen-wall without any hints of controls. Every vision was constructed around the guest's digitized avatar, communications the main message - future is impossible without actions, no one does not know, where future lies, but Inty is the one to create it. To deliver this effect Inty used a depth camera, scanning the person in real-time.

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YiQi Hanzi Flashcards

Learning Chinese can be very visual. Chinese characters look like complicated drawings to people who don't know Chinese. YiQi Hanzi flashcards use design thinking and drawing to make the characters understandable to everyone to spread Chinese culture and the beauty of Chinese characters. The flashcards design also incorporates technology. The QR code on each card takes users to the YiQi Hanzi online learning center to expand the learning resources for each character. The whole experience design makes it easy for people to learn and memorize characters.

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Sky Lounge

Kolhapur is known for rich heritage of art, architecture and culture of India. The suburb of Kolhapur is a textile hub of India. Designers have taken local context and have used recycled Paper Tubes that are used to roll the fabric. Creating an experience through fusion of sustainable and Natural Materials with organic pattern is the key factor in this design. Designers have taken advantage of natural breeze through to evolve the concept of creating interactive ceiling. Waves formed by the pattern of paper tubes oscillate with the wind that creates drama and interaction keeps guests engaged.

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